Intrinsic Tensions in Organizations

Two Different but Related Frameworks

The fundamental relationship dynamic is the organization versus the person, but we should replace that here with the present focus: management v employees.

Management is bounded by the organization: it represents the organization, and necessarily views employees impersonally as another essential resource, the «human» resource.

You, the employee, are a person with a life outside the organization. Your interests and management's cannot perfectly coincideeven if you are management! That is why we need two Tree frameworks: 

► one to help management handle employmentfor the organization, &
► one to help you handle employmentby the organization.

We might imagineClosed that, ideally, these frameworks should complement and reinforce each other. Let's see if they do.

Two Polarizing Tensions

THEE Theory: To create a Tree framework from a THEE hierarchy, it is necessary to identify the polarizing tension (called a dynamic duality) that sparks a need for balance amongst the various relevant factors defined by each of the levels.

For management, the polarizing tension in handling employment is between differentiating or discriminating staff and their duties, and viewing staff and their duties as uniform and undifferentiated. ClosedDetail:►

► This dynamic duality is labelled: Uniformity v Differentiation.

For employees, the polarizing tension in handling employment is between concerns and responsibility for yourself (currently and going forward), and duties towards and concerns for the employing organization. ClosedDetail:► 

► This dynamic duality is labelled: Self v Organization

These polarities will manifest differently for management and for an employee at each level of expectation in an organization, There is a well-established THEE principle thatClosed the two polar opposites will exist as distinct forms at some levels (L3, 5 & 6), while in others the polarity must be fused to produce a balanced form (L1, 2 & 4).

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Originally posted: 30-Nov-2011